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From traffic to profit: Do's and don'ts CRO tips for e-commerce

Written by Malte Bolvig Hansen | May 21, 2024 12:33:21 PM

Even small improvements in your website's conversion rate can have a significant impact on your company's bottom line. Best of all, these changes can be both quick and inexpensive.
Are you allocating resources for conversion optimization to enhance the user experience and implement effective CRO strategies that turn visitors into loyal customers?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a crucial process for any business with an online presence that wants to maximize the output from their website visitors.

But what does CRO actually entail?

Fundamentally, CRO is the process that helps increase the percentage of visitors on a website who perform a desired action. This could range from buying a product, signing up for a newsletter, registering for a webinar or course, downloading an e-book, contacting a sales team, or achieving any other goal your business may have.

To fully understand CRO, you need to look at how users interact with your site. What factors cause them to leave a page without converting? What prevents them from reaching the goal? By answering such questions, you can identify and remove barriers that hinder conversion.

For instance, if your analysis shows that many visitors leave your site during the checkout process, it might be necessary to simplify that process. The checkout form could be too long and complicated, and by simply reducing the number of fields, the conversion rate can increase.

Therefore, CRO is a continuous process where data collection, analysis, and implementation of changes play a central role.


Why is CRO important?

The importance of CRO for your business success should not be underestimated.

It is a direct way to improve the bottom line, as the strategies focus on utilizing existing traffic and resources more effectively. A small increase in the conversion rate can lead to significant sales increases without requiring an increase in traffic volume.

Imagine an online store with 10,000 visitors per month and a conversion rate of 2%. This means the store has 200 sales per month. If they manage to increase their conversion rate to 3% through effective CRO strategies, they will have 300 sales per month. That is a 50% increase in sales achieved without spending extra money to attract new visitors.

Additionally, CRO helps improve customer satisfaction and retention rates. When users have a positive experience on your website—where they can easily find what they are looking for and complete their purchases without hassle—they are more likely to return and recommend the site to others. This creates a positive cycle where satisfied customers generate more traffic and conversions.

A concrete example could be an electronics webshop. By optimizing product descriptions, adding detailed videos about the products, and making customer service more accessible, they experience a significant increase in both customer satisfaction and repeat purchases. This improvement in user experience not only leads to higher conversion rates but also strengthens the company's brand and market position.


Do’s for CRO

To achieve effective conversion optimization, there are some fundamental aspects you should focus on. These include:

Test (almost) everything
One of the most effective ways to improve your conversion rate is through A/B testing (split testing). This involves comparing two versions of an element on your website to see which one performs better. For example, you can test different colors for CTA buttons, various images, or even different headlines and entire layouts.


It can be both technically advanced and time-consuming to run split tests on your website—especially waiting for a significant result in the testing tool, which can be a bottleneck for many. However, these resources are always well spent!

If you want to start optimizing your shop right away, there are fortunately a number of things you should always address first. These include social proof, urgency, and trust, which are all elements that should always be present on your website. These are not things you need to test to determine their necessity—the thing you can test is the implementation of these various elements.


Malte Bolvig Hansen,
Digital Marketing & CRO Specialist

In an A/B test, visitors to your website are automatically divided into two random groups. One group sees version A, and the other group sees version B. After a specified period, metrics such as click-through rates or conversions are measured to determine which version is more effective.

An example could be an online clothing store that tests two different images for their most popular dress. The first image shows the dress on a model, while the second shows the dress hanging on a hanger. After a month of testing, it turns out that the image with the model increases the conversion rate by 15%. By implementing that image across their site, the store achieves a significant increase in sales.

User feedback
Direct feedback from users is invaluable but can be challenging to collect. Through surveys, feedback forms, and usability tests, you can gain insights into what works well and what does not. This can help identify specific barriers that users encounter.

An example could be a webshop that sells beauty products. By implementing a short survey on the checkout page, they discover that many customers find the shipping costs too high. By offering free shipping for purchases over a certain amount, they experience an immediate increase in completed purchases.

Focus on data
Use analytical tools like Google Analytics to track user behavior and conversions. This data can reveal both strengths and weaknesses in your current strategy. For example, if you see that many users are leaving your website from a particular page, it can indicate a problem that needs to be addressed on that page.

An example could be an e-commerce platform that experiences a high bounce rate on their product pages. By analyzing their data, they discover that they lack detailed product descriptions. By adding more comprehensive descriptions and better images, they see a significant reduction in the bounce rate and an increase in conversions.

Optimization for mobile experience
With an increasing amount of traffic coming from mobile devices, it is crucial that your site is fully optimized for mobile use. This includes responsive design, fast load times, and easy navigation.

An example could be a restaurant that offers online table reservations. By optimizing their website for mobile use—including easy access to the reservation system—they experience a significant increase in the number of reservations coming from mobile devices.

It can also be beneficial to delve into more technical and advanced strategies that enhance your CRO. These can include:

Deep-level personalization
By using data based on your users' previous behavior, purchase history, and preferences, you can create personalized experiences. Various AI tools can help you analyze customer data and predict purchasing behavior, giving you suggestions to optimize pricing and product placement.

An example could be an online bookstore that personalizes their recommendations based on customers' previous purchases and visited categories. By showing personalized book recommendations on the homepage, they experience an increase in both customer satisfaction and conversions.

Advanced segmentation
By dividing your audience into more specific segments, you can target your marketing more precisely. For example, you can segment based on geographic location, device type, customer journey stage, and more.

An online clothing store could, for instance, segment their customers based on purchase frequency. They can target frequent buyers with VIP offers and discounts, while new customers receive welcome offers and introductions to popular products.

Enhanced microinteractions
Focus on microinteractions such as hover effects, loading animations, and feedback on user input. These elements can improve user engagement and make the experience on your website more enjoyable and intuitive.

An example could be an online furniture store that implements hover effects on their product images. When users hover over an image, multiple images of the product from different angles are displayed. This improves the user experience and increases the chances of customers adding items to their cart.

Video content for improved engagement
Integrate video content on your landing pages and in your product descriptions to increase understanding of your product. Videos can be especially effective in demonstrating the benefits of the product, showcasing it from different angles, and demonstrating how it works and how easy it is to use.

An example could be a webshop that sells kitchen equipment. By including video reviews and cooking demonstrations for their products, potential customers gain a better understanding of how the products can be integrated into their daily lives.

Improved use of chatbots
Chatbots can help improve customer service and reduce the resource consumption of your team by handling inquiries quickly and efficiently. Advanced chatbots can also help drive sales by recommending products and offering discounts based on user interactions.

A webshop that sells beauty products can use a chatbot to answer customers' questions about product usage and ingredients. The chatbot can also offer personalized product recommendations based on the customer's skin type and preferences, leading to more sales.

Dynamic pricing
Dynamic pricing adjusts prices based on demand, stock status, and customer preferences, which can help maximize both sales and revenue.

An example could be an online sports equipment retailer that adjusts prices on popular products throughout the season. By offering lower prices on selected products during a promotional period, they can attract more customers and increase sales.


Dont’s for CRO

When working with CRO, there are also some pitfalls you should avoid.
These include:

Lack of insight into the target audience
If you do not understand who your customers are and what they need, your efforts can be both ineffective and irrelevant.

For example, a webshop can use data analysis to identify which products are most popular among different age groups. By targeting their marketing and product offerings specifically towards these groups, they can increase sales.

Ignoring the customer journey
If you are not attentive to the different stages your customers go through on their buying journey, you can lose sales.

An online store can, for instance, use email marketing to follow up with customers who have abandoned their shopping carts. By sending reminders and offering discounts, they can encourage customers to complete their purchases.

Assuming everything works for everyone
What works on one website does not necessarily work for another. Therefore, use your data to guide your decisions.

For example, an online shop might mimic a competitor's campaign without considering their own customers' preferences. The result can be ineffective campaigns and wasted resources.

Underestimating the complexity of the payment process
A complicated or insecure payment process can quickly scare potential customers away. Streamline both design and security.

For instance, a webshop selling clothes might find that many customers leave the site at checkout. By simplifying the payment process—for example, by reducing the number of steps and offering multiple payment options—they can see a significant increase in completed purchases.

Confusing navigation
A complicated or unclear navigation on the website can frustrate potential customers and make them leave without buying.

An online store might have an extensive menu with many categories. By simplifying the navigation and using clear categories and subcategories, they can make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for, which can increase sales.

Slow load times
Websites that take a long time to load often result in high bounce rates and low conversion rates.

For example, a webshop can reduce image sizes and use caching to improve load times. This can result in a significant reduction in the bounce rate and an improvement in the user experience.

Poorly optimized forms
Overly complex or long forms, especially at checkout, can scare customers away. Keep them simple and user-friendly.

An online store can simplify their checkout form by only asking for necessary information and using autofill functions. This can make the process quicker and more pleasant for customers, which can increase conversions.

Insufficient use of reviews and testimonials
Failing to utilize the power of social proof can weaken trust and reduce the likelihood of conversions.

A webshop can include customer reviews and images from social media on their product pages. This can convince potential customers to complete a purchase.

Not having a clear Call-to-Action (CTA)
If your CTAs are not clear and compelling, or if they are hard to find, it can reduce your conversion rates.

Overloading with options
Offering too many options can overwhelm your potential customers and delay the decision-making process.

An online store can, for example, limit the number of products displayed in each category and use filters to help customers find what they are looking for. This can make it easier for them to make a decision and increase the likelihood that they complete a purchase.


A few extra CRO tips for Shopify users

When you want to optimize the conversion rate in your Shopify store, there are some specific strategies and tools you can use.

The platform offers a range of built-in features and apps that make it easier for you to implement CRO techniques and increase your sales.
Some of these include:

Use Shopify checkout
Shopify Checkout is known to be one of the best-converting checkout solutions on the market. With Shopify Checkout, you can create a seamless and fast payment experience for your customers, which is crucial for reducing abandoned carts. The platform allows you to customize the checkout process to match your store's branding. This includes the ability to accept multiple payment methods, such as credit cards, gift cards, and installment options.

Shopify Checkout can also save customer data, making future purchases quicker and easier for returning customers.

Simplify your CTAs
A crucial part of CRO is having clear and direct calls to action (CTAs). In Shopify, you can easily experiment with the placement and text of your CTA buttons by using different themes and design settings.

Add pop-ups
Pop-ups can be an effective way to capture your visitors' attention.

Shopify offers several apps that make it easy to implement pop-ups, which can be used to promote discount codes, collect email addresses, or inform about special offers. For example, a pop-up can appear after a user has spent a certain amount of time on your site, offering a discount code in exchange for signing up for your newsletter.

Share social proof
Social proof, such as customer reviews and product reviews, can be crucial for building trust and convincing potential customers to make a purchase.

Shopify has several apps that make it easy to display customer reviews on your product pages.

Make the search function smart
Shopify offers apps that add intelligent search functions to your store. These can include auto-filling search terms, spell check, and suggesting related products as the user types.

For example, a customer searching for "running shoes" can quickly get suggestions for various running shoe models and accessories, making it easier to find and purchase the products they are looking for.