HubSpot's event, Inbound 2022, was about 'connection'. The many channels and new trends in data protection have made it more difficult to build meaningful connections - which also drive growth.
It is about reestablishing the connection which is why HubSpot's focus for the rest of 2022 and all of 2023 is on 'connection'.
There are many different types of connections. There are chemical connections, train connections, mental connections, and then there are the online connections and the connections we make between systems and people. And it is precisely these 'connections' between systems and people that must not only be created but also increased and maintained. It is the new - but really als the 'old'.
In the past it was something we were good at! We went to each other and we were not afraid to have a dialogue face-to-face. That has changed now. We respect each other in a new and changed way, and with that comes a certain distance. Of course, this can also be due to the many new rules with for example data protection which actually require this distance. But how do we meet the need to get close to each other again? And how do we do it in a respectful way where we do not cross the lines?
Especially in the time of Corona, restrictions, and lockdowns several people have felt the need to create new communities. Therefore, it has blossomed with clubs, forums, and various kinds of meeting places - online as well as physical when there was permission to do so. We have had a need to feel part of something when we were suddenly cut off. And the past time has therefore more than anything else made it clear that we should appreciate more the 'connections' we can find around us in everyday life - both privately and professionally.
And therefore now is also the time to create them anew. We are hungry to feel them again - and this is your opportunity to respond in good time!
It therefore seems reasonable to throw in the most basic measures.
It can be writing e-mails, booking meetings, and inviting to events - and perhaps even reaching out on social media although for many this goes far beyond the borders of the European market. We all know that writing e-mails is a strong factor for dialogue but there is still a certain distance and professionalism associated with this. And the same applies when we book meetings or invite to events. Fortunately here we get to put a face on the person we are talking to, and we create a direct conversation - whether it is online or physically, but it still takes place in a constructed setting. And there is always a goal in mind.
And reaching out directly on social media can feel a bit over the top for many here at home. In this way, the private is suddenly mixed with the professional. But it might be worth a try - it is when we break the habit that magic can happen.
And surely it is also healthy to find yourself on uncertain ground at times and here learn to connect anew.
You must therefore help create the change you are looking for - even if it may seem to be 'too much'. And you must give your customers a challenge by meeting them in new ways. Often they will love it. They crave a challenge and some change - so give it to them!
How HubSpot Connects
All of this is a trend, and it is a trend that HubSpot has already noticed and chosen to respond to. This is visible through the new functions that you can get to know on the platform already now or in the near future. HubSpot is a leader in the market with its CRM functions, inbound specifications, and general approach when it comes to adopting new trends - and especially when they are carried by the whole essence behind the system.
HubSpot is a system that contains all the tools you may need when you want to establish and re-establish a connection and is itself a system built for 'connections'. This is expressed with the various Hubs that you can connect as it suits you best. You can thus create a connection between the functions and features that you need to be able to achieve your dreams for an online presence.
In addition, HubSpot offers integration for over 250 apps which means that not only can you connect the various Hubs crosswise as you see fit, you can also integrate with your favorite app. It can be difficult to transition 100 % to a new system, and therefore with HubSpot you can maintain the systems that already work for you and give you value in your everyday life.
With the various Hubs and the large selection of apps you avoid internal overload. You can stop using unnecessarily many systems and tools. It just leads to confusion - and it is a waste of time! It leads among other things to the fact that 65 % of all Google searches end without a click. You do not create content that is relevant enough, and 40 % fewer people receive a response to sales emails because the necessary thoughts are not put behind the broadcasts. And for you, that means a lot of data that is not being used - in fact up to 60 % of all CRM data is not being used. And far too much time is spent on structuring in data preparation as much as 40 %.
With HubSpot you get one integrated system that gives you everything you need. And that is precisely the source of internal 'connection'. As we all know, HubSpot therefore has a great focus on both 'attract', 'engage', and 'delight'. But that is another conversation.
With HubSpot you create a home for the company, and therefore all employees find it easier to gather and collaborate. In the end it also means efficiency, right?
When you would like to be one of those who in use with HubSpot re-establishes the once so popular and now much forgotten and missed 'connection' there are 3 functions in particular that you should keep an eye on and if possible adopt.
This is about:
- Custom Object Builder
- Customer Journey Analytics
- Payments
Below we give you a more detailed review of the three selected functions.
In HubSpot you will find 4 standard CRM objects; contacts, companies, deals, and tickets. In addition, there are also some further defined objects such as products and calls. And in the long run a business can be 'satisfied' with these objects. They fulfill all the basic needs and ensure that you get the knowledge and data that is most relevant.
However, it may be that you need more than that when you would like to create a 'connection' between your company and something that is not already defined through the stanardized objects. And luckily that is also possible with the new function: Custom Object Builder.
Once you have defined an object you can create all the properties you need here on an equal footing with the other objects. It seems quite simple - and fortunately it is.
However you should be aware that the only way you can create a custom object is through the API. But once that part is under control, you can use the new field for e.g. to personalize automated marketing emails, you can find reports that include your custom object, and you can make it part of your workflows.
We recommend that you look for an experienced partner when you need to create custom objects, so that it is ensured that you get the most optimal setup - and then you also save yourself the trouble.
Whatever you want you can thus create the 'connection' with custom objects that you need when you want to ensure that HubSpot meets all the needs, requirements, and wishes that you have for your online setup. This not only means that you can gain greater insight but also that you can get more value of the system.
2. Customer Journey Analytics
There are many factors that are decisive in an experience a customer has with a product or service. And therefore it can be difficult to decipher which components have had the best effect and which should be adjusted. Fortunately, this is exactly what HubSpot's new feature Customer Journey Analytics can help with.
With a customer Journey Map you get the opportunity to visually get a description of your visitor's experience. With one simple view you can get an overview of interactions with both marketing, sales, products, and other customer-related activities that you may have implemented on your site.
It is possible for you to structure your map in different ways. For example you can choose the linear and completely simple approach where your customer's experience is shown in a timeline with different colors that symbolize whether your efforts have been effective or the opposite. This means that you intuitively get a map that is very easy to read and understand so you get something tangible that you can continue to work with in your daily life.
When you have to design your own customer map in your HubSpot account it is important that you think about the design - it should preferably be reusable. When designing your visual representation of your customer's data you should therefore focus on the structures and formats that are important to you.
So rather than having to go through different analyzes to decode whether an effort has worked - or perhaps even different tools - it will thus be possible for you to get a complete overview of a customer journey with Customer Journey Analytics - and this is particularly rewarding for the marketing team which can then target the places where it is most rewarding.
This means greater value for resources and less time wasted. And who does not want that?
For a long time we have been missing one thing in particular in working with HubSpot - the possibility of using the system for ecommerce as we know it. In the case of shops it has thus always been a necessity to connect HubSpot with another CMS system that offers options for e.g. payment.
And this contrast with the ambition to create a coherent home for you, your employees, and your customers.
Fortunately, it is something that now has brighter prospects.
With Payments HubSpot makes it possible to collect on-time payments from customers directly through the CRM function. This is done through the use of either quotes or payment links - you can share these directly with your customers e.g. through e-mail or chat, or you can add them to your website on e.g. a CTA.
With Payments you can manage your customer's buying experience and offer the extra service they all expect. They know it from other shops and therefore they also make demands on this way that you open up the payments.
This can be through quick refunds, payment, notifications, and receipts. In addition, you get the full overview of the payments that have been completed - or stopped along the way. You can therefore keep an eye on the payments and the history both through the basic reporting function or by building a custom report with the data you need which is knowledge you can use to further personalize the experiences on your site.
This can be done through workflows, which can be triggered by a completed payment.
With Payments as part of HubSpot's CRM platform it therefore becomes possible for you to accept payments both securely and without problems, in less time, and with fewer tools. And therefore you can create a valuable 'connection' between your ambitions for the shop and CRM.
And at the same time Hubspot gathers itself a little more - so you have another or perhaps several tools that will now be unnecessary. In the long term, having to deal with fewer subscriptions also has an economic value, right?
How to Proceed From Here
In short, it is all about keeping an eye out.
Some of the above functions have already been rolled out - some to a lesser extent. Therefore, we must all go into a waiting position and wait to adopt the new functions and make use of them. Regardless, they will really create more 'connection' once they are here.
In addition, use the time to examine the options you already have with HubSpot and find out if you are using your Hubs in the most optimal way when you want to create 'connection'. It can be 'connection' between customers and your business, 'connection' between data or perhaps 'connection' between people in general.
With HubSpots Marketing Hub you can easily both attract and create 'connection' with customers through personalized e-mails. tools for lead generation, and general marketing automation through e.g. workflows.
With Sales Hub you have the opportunity to sell smarter. The various tools for sale give you a problem-free approach to both templates, documents, conversation intelligence, and meeting booking. Therefore, you can eliminate many steps that can otherwise distract and delay such a sales process.
With Service Hub you have the opportunity to connect customer experiences and provide authentic support - quickly and easily. You can among other things do it through a shared inbox, live chat, tickets, and much more.
With CMS Hub you can transform your website with various tools. It can be the smart drag-and-drop editor, flexible themes, forms, and much more. All this contributes to a complete experience in the creation of a website which means that you can continue to live up to your customers' expectations.
With Operations Hub you experience the opportunity to analyze your customers' information through features such as custom properties and field mapping. This means that you can keep your business up-to-date.
Would you like to get ready for the new functions? And do you want to ensure that you have a setup that lives up to an impending more 'connected' time? So contact us today for a no-obligation chat about the way you use HubSpot and the wishes you have for future use.
There may be many opportunities that are rewarding for you - it is just a matter of seeing them. And we can! As a HubSpot Platinum Partner we have extensive experience with all Hubs, major integrations, and generally the implementation of new initiatives.